The B2B finance company obtained 58% more keyword positions using SEO Shark

Home Case Studies The B2B finance company obtained 58% more keyword positions using SEO Shark

SEO Shark is an SEO agency in Saudi Arabia that helps B2B finance companies improve their organic search rankings. In this case study, we will examine how a B2B finance company increased its Position on keywords by 58 percent using SEO Shark. We will look at the tool’s implementation, the results achieved, and how this can be replicated for other B2B companies. Other companies can benefit from similar results by understanding how this company achieved such success.

About SEO Shark:

SEO Shark is an SEO agency in Saudi Arabia that specializes in helping businesses of all sizes with their digital marketing needs. They provide services like SEO for B2B companies, SEO for finance companies, and more. Their team of experienced professionals has years of experience in the industry and is highly knowledgeable about the latest trends and techniques. They understand the importance of having a well-thought-out SEO strategy to help your business reach its goals. With their help, you can ensure that your website is optimized for search engine rankings and visibility on social media platforms.


SEO Shark is a comprehensive SEO services provider and an SEO agency in Saudi Arabia that helps businesses optimize their website content for search engine visibility. This case study will provide an overview of the success achieved by a B2B finance company that used SEO Shark to improve its search engine rankings and increase its position on keywords by 58 percent.

The client was nervous and anxious about the low ranking of its website and wanted to increase its ranking organically through quality SEO services for B2B companies. So the client approached the SEO Shark team and handed them the task.

SEO for B2B finance company is one of the most crucial marketing tools for b2b finance companies. With SEO for B2B finance companies, they can increase their visibility in search engine results pages, drive more traffic to their websites, and ultimately generate more leads. Furthermore, SEO for B2B finance companies helps them build trust in their brand by providing relevant and high-quality content to customers. As a result, B2B finance companies that take advantage of SEO have a better chance of achieving success in the long run.


SEO Shark’s SEO services for B2B finance companies have been instrumental in helping them achieve success online. Before their implementation, B2B finance companies struggled to get organic traffic and perform well on Google.

After SEO Shark:

With the help of SEO Shark’s services, these companies have increased their online visibility and attracted more customers. They have also been able to optimize their website for better search engine rankings and improve their overall performance on Google. Thanks to SEO services for B2B companies by SEO Shark, the client can now reach out to more potential customers and maximize his profits.

Our Strategy:

Our Strategy included:

  1. Conducting Keyword Research: The first step in any successful SEO strategy is conducting keyword research to identify the most relevant and valuable keywords for your business. In the case of a B2B finance company, potential keywords could include phrases like “business loans,” “invoice factoring,” “merchant cash advance,” and more.

  2. Optimizing On-page Content: This includes ensuring that the target keyword is included in the page’s title, meta description, header tags, and content. It is essential to avoid keyword stuffing and ensure that the content is of high quality, informative, and engaging to users.

  3. Creating High-quality Content: Creating high-quality content such as blog posts, infographics, and case studies that are optimized with relevant keywords can help in achieving better rankings. Additionally, it is essential to ensure that the content is shareable across social media platforms and is linkable, which can increase the chances of acquiring backlinks and improving rankings.

  4. Building Quality Backlinks: Building high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites is one of the most important aspects of any SEO strategy. Ensure that the backlinks are relevant to your business and are from websites that have high domain authority. Additionally, avoid spammy tactics such as buying links or using link farms, as this can result in a penalty from Google.


SEO Shark is an SEO agency in Saudi Arabia that specializes in SEO services for B2B companies. We understand the unique needs of B2B finance companies and how important it is to have a solid SEO strategy to increase visibility and ranking on search engines.

Our experienced SEO experts worked with the client to identify the best strategies that help boost their website’s ranking and get more organic traffic. Our experts analyzed his website, researched keywords, optimized content, improved page speed, and created backlinks to improve the website’s authority and rank higher on search engine result pages (SERPs). With our comprehensive approach, we were confident we could help him achieve his desired results.

SEO For B2B Company

SEO for B2B companies is vital for their online marketing strategy. SEO for B2B companies helps to ensure that your website is visible in the search engine results pages (SERPs) and that your content is relevant to potential customers. SEO for B2B companies can also help to improve user experience, making it easier for customers to find the information they need.
Optimizing your website for SEO can increase the amount of organic traffic coming to your site and boost your visibility in the SERPs. This can positively impact brand recognition, lead generation, and sales. SEO for B2B companies also helps ensure that you target the right audience with relevant content and improve customer engagement.


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The results are quite impressive, as it shows how effective SEO services for B2B company can be. With the help of SEO Shark, this finance company optimized its website to rank higher on search engine result pages (SERPs), and B2B finance company gets 58 percent more Position on keywords. This allowed them to reach more potential customers and increase their sales.

Customer Testimonial:

“SEO Shark is the leading SEO agency in Saudi Arabia, providing comprehensive and effective digital marketing services to businesses of all sizes. With a team of experienced professionals, they have consistently delivered successful results for my company.
They specialize in optimizing websites for search engine visibility and improving online presence through targeted campaigns. Their SEO services for B2B companies are undoubtedly tailored to meet the needs of each client, ensuring maximum returns on their investments. With a deep understanding of the local market, they can help businesses get ahead of their competitors and stay ahead in the long run. I am thankful to SEO Shark!”

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